25.8 million Children and adults in the United States—8.3% of
the population—have diabetes with 7 million people remained undiagnosed. More
so, 79 million people are in the prediabetic state!
More than two million Malaysians are unaware that they are
In Singapore, one out of 9 people aged 18 to 69 has diabetes.
That’s about 11.3% of our population or more than 400,000 people!
Diabetes is the fifth most common medical condition diagnosed
and one of the six top killer diseases in the country.
Diabetes – the silent killer within the population. Affecting
the growth of workforce in a country, increasing the average medical
expenditure among people, leads to chronic end organ dysfuntion. All these
above could be controlled by increasing awareness of public towards this
disease state.
Let’s see how the condition in UK…is
The crisis in diabetes
care in England
In 2001 the National Service Framework for Diabetes set
standards for diabetes care in England, with a delivery strategy designed to
achieve a world class diabetes service by 2013.1 However,
a series of recent reports from various sources show just how far we are from
delivering the standards by the 2013 deadline. A “state of the nation” report
from Diabetes UK declares that diabetes care is “in a state of crisis,” and a
damning National Audit Office (NAO) report accuses the Department of Health of
failing to hold NHS commissioners to account for poor performance and of
failure to deliver the recommended standards of care.2 3 Both
reports are based on the department’s own commissioned audits.
The National Diabetes Audit reported that in 2010-11 only half
of people with diabetes received all of the recommended nine care processes,
with fewer than one in five achieving the recommended treatment targets.4 An
estimated 24 000 diabetes related deaths each year may have been preventable,
and death in young women (aged 15-34 years) with type 1 diabetes has increased
ninefold since the 2007-08 audit.5 The
National Diabetes Inpatient Audit 2011 found that 15% of hospital inpatients
have diabetes.6 Errors
in management and prescribing, iatrogenic hypoglycaemia, poor glycaemic
control, and hospital acquired foot ulceration commonly compromise their care.
The Atlas of Variation 2010-11 shows wide variations in outcomes for
complications of diabetes.7 England,
unlike the United States and many European countries, has failed to reduce
amputation rates, and major amputation rates vary sixfold between primary care
The true cost of diabetes to the NHS in England is unknown.
Estimates vary from £1.3bn (€1.65bn; $2bn) (Department of Health) to more than
£3.9bn (NAO) each year, whereas a health economics analysis supported by
Diabetes UK calculated the annual cost to be £9.8bn in direct costs and £13.8bn
in indirect costs.2 3 With
documented failure to deliver adequate care and wildly differing estimates of
the cost of treating diabetes, we ask what has gone wrong and what needs to be
done to deal with this?
What has gone wrong? The prevalence of type 2 diabetes has
increased dramatically. With patient numbers rising, the responsibility for
providing care for most patients with diabetes has fallen to general
practitioners and practice nurses. However, in many areas the infrastructure to
deal with the load is inadequate. Not all practices have staff with the skills
and knowledge needed to deliver good diabetes care. The national service
framework recommends patient empowerment through structured patient education
as a standard and essential component of diabetes care, but the NAO found that
only £2m (0.0005%) of the money spent on diabetes is allocated to patient
education.3 Primary
care trusts have been responsible for commissioning education of both
healthcare professionals and patients, but investment varies widely. In some
areas drug companies have stepped into the breach, which creates the potential
for them to influence prescribing patterns and to promote, for example, the use
of expensive analogue insulins. Financial incentives, including the quality
outcomes framework were introduced to improve diabetes care. However, after an
initial positive response, the framework has become a tickbox exercise, which
rewards for measuring but not for improving clinical outcomes—for example,
examining the feet is rewarded whether or not action is taken, as is achieving
a glycated haemoglobin target without recognising that this is accompanied by
frequent hypoglycaemia. A staggering 10-fold variation in outcomes across
trusts is not accounted for by deprivation and reflects varying commitment of
individual trusts to diabetes services.7 The NAO
suggests that payment thresholds have been set too low, which removes the
incentive to achieve targets in all care processes. It recommends revision of
the system of payment to link the outcomes framework to pathways of care.
Secondary care does no better, with reports of poor inpatient
care and large variations in the provision of specialised services.6 The
availability of newer technologies, such as insulin pumps and continuous
glucose monitoring, varies widely across trusts and lags behind services in
many European countries. Posts previously held by consultants in diabetes are
being converted to acute physician posts; in a recently published survey, 30%
of diabetes specialist registrars had not obtained a consultant appointment in
the year after completing their training..8 This
failure to value the role of specialists in diabetes threatens patient care and
research in the United Kingdom. Diabetes specialist nurses—key educators of
healthcare professionals and patients—are under threat because practice nurses,
who may not have received the required level of training, are being regarded as
adequate replacements. Diabetes specialist nurse posts in hospitals are being
cut to “save” money, despite overwhelming evidence that they improve care and
are cost effective.9 Although
specialist dietitians and podiatrists play an essential role in the specialist
diabetes team some hospitals have none.6 The
payment by results tariff is a barrier to integration and seamless care; it has
created a perverse disincentive to seek specialist assessment and deprives
patients of access to a specialist team. Disinvestment in diabetes services
stems from the failure of primary and secondary care managers to recognise the
important role of the specialist diabetes team, and from a lack of financial
incentives to drive up standards in specialist care.
What needs to be done? We need a form of integrated care, which
allows patients to move seamlessly between primary, community, and secondary
care depending on need, and which enhances interaction, information exchange,
and learning across the clinical services. Such integration is essential to the
provision of high quality diabetes care. Some areas have informally reported
successfully bypassing payment by results to allow those involved in diabetes
care to make financial savings while working across traditional boundaries.10 This
approach needs to be introduced nationally. Education and support to improve
skills in delivering education that empowers patients and in screening for
complications should be a priority in primary care. Inpatients with diabetes
should be managed by members of staff who are well educated in the care of
patients with diabetes, and secondary care should provide high quality
specialist clinics such as pregnancy clinics, clinics for adolescents, and
multidisciplinary foot clinics. Patients with type 1 diabetes, whose specific
needs have been sidelined by the rapid rise in the number of people with type 2
diabetes, should have direct access to a specialist team with specified
competencies. IT systems should be designed specifically to facilitate
communication across service boundaries and to record and monitor clinical
outcomes efficiently. Specialists in diabetes, who should work with primary
care through effective and resourced diabetes delivery networks, must be
responsible for setting standards and organising care across service
boundaries. However, accountability and governance must remain with the
commissioners, who need to use information provided by national audits to
ensure that standards are delivered.
Although it is too late to achieve the national service
framework targets by 2013, action is urgently needed in the NHS to ensure that
people with diabetes can access care of the required quality. Evidence provided
by recent reports must be used to identify and deal with the problems now;
otherwise the economic costs to the NHS and personal costs to the rising
numbers of people with diabetes will be catastrophic.
Source :
BMJ 2012;345:e5446
Gerry Rayman, consultant physician in diabetes and
endocrinology1, Anne Kilvert, consultant physician in diabetes and
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